220: Real Talk with Beth and Ian at CCBS

Episode 220 – This week on the show, we’re still in Sacramento, California at the California Craft Beer Summit, and we’re hanging with Beth Demmon and Ian Cheesman from West Coaster Magazine.

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While we were at the California Craft Beer Summit, we bumped into Beth Demmon and Ian Cheesman, two beer writers for West Coaster out of San Diego, and sat down to shoot the breeze over a couple of beers.

Tasting glass next to a Magnolia Brewing tap handle with Magnolia Brewing coaster.


Episode Chapters:
00:00: Support Four Brewers on Patreon!
00:09: Theme Music
00:18: Begin Show
00:35: Beth Demmon and Ian Cheesman of West Coaster
03:38: San Diego Beer
04:18: Belching Beaver Brewery
07:59: Great San Diego Breweries
11:58: Recommendations For First-time Visitors to San Diego
13:01: Cool Brewery Spaces in San Diego
15:55: Big Money and New Breweries in San Diego
17:55: OC vs. LA and SD
20:03: Follow Beth and Ian Online

Direct audio: MP3

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Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King

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