299: Pliny For President

Episode 299 – This week, a double dry-hopped DIPA from Russian River Brewing Company, a gueuze from Long Beach’s Beachwood Blendery, and a mix cellar of oldies with local OC and SD freshies.

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This week, we coordinated with each other hours before recording this episode to get the same beers into each other’s hands. Some of the beers on this week’s show are actually pretty epic, with two firsts coming from two California breweries. The first brew, Pliny For President (2020), comes from Russian River Brewing Company, and the other from SoCal’s own Beachwood Blendery with their first ever locally produced gueuze. We also dipped into our cellars to pull out some really good and…not-so-good beers, except for Greg, of course…he’s just drinking nitro beer from Orange County, California.

Pictured: John's beers from episode 299.

Editor’s note: this last paragraph will just remain as-is for future posts until this lockdown is over.

We hope you’re safe. We know this sucks right now. We miss our friends and family, socializing, and even going for a run without having to wear a mask, but this is temporary and staying at home as much as possible, while also keeping our distance from others in public, is something we must all do. That being said, we live in a great time in history where we have a robust internet that allows us all to stay in contact, see each other’s faces, and even get together once a week for a virtual happy hour.

We’ll be recording episodes once a week from here out, which is actually pretty cool for those who normally can’t make it to our typical monthly recording sessions. We’ll be having guests on the show, trying new beers, and continuing to keep doing our thing the best we can. Thanks for sticking with us. We’ll get through this.

Now, on with the show!


Watch the episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UvoRPsPD3qE

Episode Chapters:
00:00: SupportTheShitOutOfIt.com
00:08: Theme Music
00:14: Begin Show
00:41: Shoutout To New Patrons!
01:15:Pliny for President – Russian River Brewing Company
10:43: PtE vs. DDH PtE
17:07: Space Junk (Citra, Galaxy & Strata) – Modist Brewing Company
20:47: 20th Anniversary Belgian-Style Ale – Great Divide Brewing Company
21:24: Coco Mesa – Green Cheek Beer Company
26:01: 20th Anniversary Belgian-Style Ale (cont’d)
33:02: "We Are Who We Pretend To Be" & "Illuminaire" – Beachwood Blendery
47:37: The Heiress – Societe Brewing Company
49:09: Festive Ale (2012) – SweetWater Brewing Company
52:18: New Adventures: Nitro – Green Cheek Beer Company
54:10: Damnation (Batch 042213) – Russian River Brewing Company
56:09: The Heiress (cont’d)
58:21: fourbrewers.com

Beers from this week’s episode:
Pliny for President – Russian River Brewing Company
Space Junk (Citra, Galaxy & Strata) – Modist Brewing Company
20th Anniversary Belgian-Style Ale – Great Divide Brewing Company
Coco Mesa – Green Cheek Beer Company
"We Are Who We Pretend To Be" & "Illuminaire" – Beachwood Blendery
The Heiress – Societe Brewing Company
Festive Ale (2012) – SweetWater Brewing Company
New Adventures: Nitro – Green Cheek Beer Company
Damnation (Batch 042213) – Russian River Brewing Company

Direct audio: MP3

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Email Four Brewers: feedback@fourbrewers.com

Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King

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