Episode 345: This week, some beers you might not be expecting from Tree House Brewing Company, and a couple tasties from Pariah!
If you’re involved in the hype beer scene at all, you’ve heard of Tree House Brewing Company and their amazing hoppy beers. But, like most breweries, they make other styles as well! This week, 4B listener Alex Nunes asked if he could send us some non-hype beer from Tree House, and of course we said "YES!"
Along with the Tree House beers, Pariah Brewing Company was kind enough to throw some brews our way as well, and we thought they’d fit in nicely with the Tree House brews and the overall theme of the show. Thanks, Alex and Pariah!

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is real and cases are rising in the United States and all over the world. The Food and Drug Administration has recently approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. PLEASE do your part and get vaccinated.
Get Vaccinated: Find COVID-19 vaccine near you.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
Session 151: https://youtu.be/uetiYLwPewg
Episode Chapters:
00:00:00: SupportTheShitOutOfIt.com
00:00:10: Four Brewers Theme
00:00:15: Begin Show
00:01:39: Patron Shoutout!
00:01:48: Patreon-Exclusive Glassware Update
00:02:09: Wanderer – Tree House Brewing Company
00:06:54: Little Ripper – Tree House Brewing Company
00:15:29: Catharsis – Tree House Brewing Company
00:21:57: Proper ESB – Pariah Brewing Company
00:32:58: I Know You Like ‘Em Extra Hoppy! – Pariah Brewing Company
00:35:24: Wrap Up
00:36:35: fourbrewers.com
Beers from this week’s episode:
Wanderer – Tree House Brewing Company
Little Ripper – Tree House Brewing Company
Catharsis – Tree House Brewing Company
Proper ESB – Pariah Brewing Company
I Know You Like ‘Em Extra Hoppy! – Pariah Brewing Company
Direct audio: MP3
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Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King