[S2/E36] It’s Another IPA Show!

Season 2, Episode 36 This week on the show, a plethora of IPA, and some tasty beers from our buddy, Phil.

This week, were drinking the OC Brew HAHA South County IPA, as well as IPA from SoCal and Athens, Georgia. And just for the fun of it, we’re throwing in a Berliner Weisse as well.

We kick off the show with with two beers from friend of the show and Patreoneer, Phil Lorezini. Phil is currently living in Florida, and was kind enough to send us some beer from Creature Comforts Brewing Company out of Athens, Georgia. To get things going, we open Athena, a delicious and spot-on Berliner Weisse. It’s tart and refreshing with just enough of that acidic bite to take it over the top. Berliner Weisse can be a complicated beer to make, even though it’s quite delicate and simple. Achieving the proper level of tart and funk is the sign of a great Berliner Weisse. Athena doesn’t disappoint.

IPA and a Berliner Weisse.IPA and a Berliner Weisse.

Now to the IPA! Keeping with Creature Comforts, we open the Tropicália IPA. Creature Comforts aptly summarizes this beer as “a ripe and juicy balanced American IPA”. It’s brewed with Citra, Centennial, and Glaxay hops. The beer finishes dry enough to pass for a west coast IPA while having a malt profile similar to an east coast IPA. It really is a nice balance of malt and hops, and not an overpowering, bitter malt bomb like many east coast IPAs tend to be. The east coast is slowly coming around to that west coast-style IPA radness, y’all.

Next up is the OC Brew HAHA South County IPA. This beer was brewed in collaboration with Cameron Collins, founder of the OC Brew HAHA, Left Coast Brewing Co., Artifex Brewing Company, and Pizza Port San Clemente. The “south county” part of the name refers to south Orange County, which is where these three breweries hail from. Nagel recently did a write up on the beer for Orange Coast Magazine that sums it up pretty well. One thing that stood out to him was a mouth numbing affect the hops seemed to have on him, which is kinda weird and hard to pinpoint why. It’s a deliciously hoppy beer that’s well executed. You can try it at the OC Brew HAHA which is this Saturday! Get your tickets before they sell out…

Speaking of Pizza Port San Clemente, the next beer up is their Mango IPA, Lono. This beer smells and tastes like a freakin’ mango. It’s delicious. Pizza Port San Clemente utilizes step mashing in their beers (which could be a reason why they’re beers are so great), leading us into a discussion on the importance of step mashing and if it’s something that actually makes a difference in certain styles of beer.

We wrap up the show with a beer from Barley Forge Brewing Company, One Louder. We’ve had this beer on the show before and it was great, so why not have it again? Barley Forge also utilizes step mashing, and their beers are awesome. Maybe we’re seeing a pattern here?


Beers from this week’s episode:
Creature Comforts Brewing Company: Athena
Creature Comforts Brewing Company: Tropicália
Left Coast / Artifex / Pizza Port San Clemente: South County IPA
Pizza Port: Lono (Mango IPA) (San Clemente)
Barley Forge Brewing Co.: One Louder

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