[S4/E27] Back To The Basics

Season 4, Episode 27 – This week, Jason is taking us back to the basics.

When was the last time you went back to some of the more basic beers that you used to drink as a new craft beer drinker? It’s fun and interesting to go back and try those beers for quite a few reasons. It’s interesting to see how your palate has evolved over time. Something you liked back 10 years ago may not be as tasty as you thought it was. Also, beer evolves over time, not only when it’s cellared, but before it’s even brewed. Breweries are constantly tweaking recipes to align with current trends, and adjusting for ingredient changes and suppliers, as well as personnel changes in the actual brewery. All of these things can affect a beer. Keeping a beer consistent batch after batch is a tough job. Has the beer itself changed since you last tried it, or have you changed?

Back To The BasicsBack To The Basics

Jason picked up several beers that I’m sure we’ve all tried at least once. They’re widely available and generally speaking, pretty easy on the palate.

So, next time you’re at your favorite bottle shop hunting for the next whale, pick up a few of the oldies just to remind yourself where you came from and where you are now.


Beers from this week’s episode:
Widmer Brothers Brewing – Hefeweizen
Anchor Brewing Company – Anchor Steam Beer
New Belgium Brewing Company – Fat Tire
Pyramid Breweries – Hefeweizen
Firestone Walker Brewing Company – DBA (Double Barrel Ale)
Rogue Ales & Spirits – Dead Guy Ale

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4B Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King

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