Season 1, Episode 2 – Modern Times Beer Fortunate Islands brings the wheat and hops…
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Welcome to episode two! This week on the show, we’re drinking wonderful a hoppy wheat beer from Modern Times Beer named “Fortunate Islands.” Modern Times is one of the newest breweries to sprout up in San Diego, California, and they’re making incredible beer. They’ve only been open since September 2013, and they’re already making a big name for themselves.

Feature: Homebrew – John’s Oatmeal IPA, “Oats N’ Hoes”
John’s oatmeal IPA has really garnered a lot of attention in the local Riverside, California homebrew scene. Inspired by Lee Chase and Automatic Brewing Co.‘s Will Powered IPA, Oats N’ Hoes is a west coast-style IPA, made with one pound of oats and Falconer’s Flight hops.
Recipe: Oats N’ Hoes
10 gallon batch, 82% mash efficiency. 148º mash temp for 40 min, 20 min mash out to 168º. 60 min boil. 65º fermentation temperature. 1.069 OG.
Malts: 25 lbs 2 Row Malt, 2 lbs US Caramel 15 malt, 1 lb U.S. Flaked Oats.
Hops: 2 oz Falconers Flight Hops (all hops are Falconer’s flight) at firt wort hop addidion, 1 oz at 10 min, 1 oz at 5 min, 2 oz at flame-out. Dry hop: 2 oz at 7 days, 2 oz at 10 days.
Yeast: White Labs WLP001 with 3L starter.
Cheers, and we’ll see you next week! Enjoy!
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