[S3/E33] The Goser Coaster

Season 3, Episode 33 – This week, we take a ride on the goser coaster and sample nine gose style beers.

Last week’s show was pretty epic. We decided the best way to recover from the incredibly awesome 24 beer pilsner showdown was to relax with some easy-drinking gose style beers from breweries around the world. Gose is a style of beer that’s usually low alcohol, a bit on the tart side, and made with salt to give it a dry, brackish feel (get into the finer details of the style here). While on paper this sounds like a disaster of a beer, it’s actually pretty damn refreshing. There’s a surprising variety of gose available to us in the southern California market, so we decided to go for it.

Pictured: Bottles of gose.

The thing with gose is that some breweries want to “amp up” the style and add fruit to the beer to give it an even more refreshing and easy-drinking twist. This works sometimes, but adding more stuff to an otherwise shitty base beer makes for an even shittier beer. Kettle souring has become quite popular as of late and while it’s efficient and cuts down on risking brewhouse infection, some breweries don’t put in the proper care during the process to insure a well made kettle sour. Other breweries go the more traditional route and add bacteria to sour the wort after it has been brewed, or after primary fermentation. The beers on this week’s episode pretty much cover the gamut.

We also answer a few questions from The Mailbag and reflect on life with some user-submitted 4B haikus.


Beers from this week’s episode:
Almanac Beer Company – Golden Gate Gose
Saint Archer Brewing Company – Blackberry Gose
Freigeist Bierkultur Collaboration with Stillwater Artisanal Ales – Atlantis Gose
Anderson Valley Brewing Company – Briney Melon Gose
Uinta Brewing Company – Ready Set Gose
Boulevard Brewing Co. – Hibiscus Gose
To ØL – Gose To Hollywood
Bayerischer Bahnhof Gasthaus & Gosebrauerei – Leipziger Gose
Freigeist Bierkultur – Geisterzug Gose Rhubarb

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