[S4/E52] Hazy Collaboration With Brewcaipa

Season 4, Episode 52 – On this, the final week of 2017, we’re drinking our collaboration beer that we brewed with Brewcaipa Brewing Co, and having a mini-IPA showdown.

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You guys…this is pretty awesome.

We have our very own Hazy, New England-ish style IPA on tap at an actually brewery that you can go to and try!

That’s right, folks! Today, Friday, December 22, 2017, is the first official day that our collaboration beer with Brewcaipa Brewing Co is on tap, and we’re pretty stoked about it!

Jason, Derek, and John at Brewcaipa Brewing Co

Without getting into too much detail (after all, we do talk about the collab in this week’s episode), this beer was quite ambitious for both us as homebrewers and Derek Bougie, the brewer at Brewcaipa. Jason was the most experienced among us with brewing the style on a small scale, so naturally, we leaned on him for the construction the recipe.

The recipe is quite simple, consisting of 2 row and Vienna malts, as well as rolled oats and unmalted wheat. The hops, on their other hand, are another story. This beer has 60 POUNDS OF HOPS IN IT. This is a ten barrel batch of beer which means there are around 2 pounds of hops per barrel in the dry hop. The beer is triple dry hopped with an equal blend of Citra, Equinox, and Pacifica hops, giving it a super-fruity aroma and flavor. This beer is awesome.

We’ll spare you the finer details about the beer and just get to the point: you should go to Brewcaipa and buy a pint of two. Derek and Brewcaipa were both massively generous to have us in their space to make this beer, and we can’t thank them enough.

The beer is on tap RIGHT NOW exclusively at Brewcaipa Brewing Co, and we can’t wait for you to try it.

We also made a vlog of the brewday at Brewcaipa with Derek! Check it out:


Watch the unedited episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7jIYe3jCbtU

Episode Chapters:
00:00: Support the Show on Patreon!
00:09: Theme Music
00:17: Begin Show
00:45: The 4B / Brewcaipa Collaboration Beer – Haz-I.E. IPA
21:57: 4B IPA Throwdown
23:40: Matt’s IPA
30:05: Jason’s IPA
34:22: John’s IPA
39:07: Nagel’s IPA
42:21: The Results
51:50: The Brewcaipa Brewday Vlog

Beers from this week’s episode:
The 4B / Brewcaipa Collaboration Beer – Haz-I.E. IPA
Matt’s IPA – Union Jack
Jason’s IPA – Swami’s IPA
John’s IPA – Enjoy By 12.25.17 – Unfiltered
Nagel’s IPA – Old Town IPA

Direct audio: MP3

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Theme Song: The Sleeping Sea King

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