Season 3, Episode 34 – This week, we head to Canada via Aaron Champion of Cask Ale LA and drink four excellent craft beers from The Great White North.
This week on the show, we’re joined by our good friend and fellow beer blogger, Aaron Champion, and he brought us some really interesting and delicious craft beer from his recent trip to Canada.
Up until around five or so years ago, Canadian craft beer wasn’t really anything anyone would bat an eye at. A lot of breweries were brewing what was widely thought of as “safe” beers, meaning that they stuck to brewing traditional mainstays in beer. This was obviously not the case with every brewery in Canada, but it was tough to think of more than a few Canadian breweries that were making anything really exciting, different, or even experimental. The beers on the show this week exemplify how the Canadian beer scene is evolving and creating some really awesome beers that Canadians local to these breweries can more easily find.

The breweries featured on the show this week are Bellwoods Brewery, Nickel Brook Brewery, Folly Brewpub, and Halo Brewery. Halo Brewery, from Toronto, Ontario, is taking a unique approach to their business model by, in a way, open-sourcing their beer recipes. As homebrewers, this is very exciting and cool, especially if you’re a fan of Halo’s beers and want to brew them yourself. Doing something like this is great for a newly emerging scene. It encourages homebrewers to take more risk and do different things with their homebrew, while at the same time encouraging other breweries to take some cues on recipe design and brewing process. It’s a win for everyone!
Big thanks to Aaron for coming down to our neck of the woods to share these beers. His blog, Cask Ale LA, not only focuses on when and where one can find cask ale in Los Angeles, but also the craft beer scene as a whole. He’s only been in The States since 2013, but he’s already a respected member of the beer scene in Los Angeles and Southern California.
Beers from this week’s episode:
Halo Brewery – Day Star
Folly Brewpub – Imposter Syndrome
Bellwoods Brewery – Motley Cru (2016)
Nickel Brook Brewing Co. – Kentucky Bastard Imperial Stout
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