[S3/E1] Nagel is Pink On the Inside

Season 3, Episode 1 – This week, we’re drinking three homebrews from Greg (two of them are pink!), and going in blind with John.

Welcome to 2016 and season 3 of Four Brewers! This week on the show, we’re drinking homebrew from Nagel and going in blind with some blind tasting action provided by John.

First up are two pink concoctions from Mr. Nagel. The first one is a cranberry Malbec wine cooler thingy. It should be noted that all of these brews were made by Greg for the holiday season to serve to guests in his home, and they’re all made from kits. The wine he made came as a kit with the grape juice, chemical additions, and cranberries, which makes for a really easy homebrew. Making kit wine is really easy. John wrote a piece on a Riesling wine he made from a kit a few years back. Check it out if you want a rundown on the process.

John's Beers for 'Going In Blind'John’s Beers for “Going In Blind”

Next up is a prickly pear witbier, which was again, made from a kit. The prickly pears, however, were not included in the kit, and were acquired at Greg’s in-law’s house in Temecula. In case you don’t know what prickly pears are (like John), they are the fruit that grows on a certain variety of cactus. They’re very hard to work with, as Greg explains on the show.

The last brew from Greg is a milk stout that was originally intended to be a hard root beer, but in the end, the spicing didn’t quite work out. So, he ditched the root and kept the beer as is.

All in all, these beers (and wine) were quite tasty. The brew days for these were all fairly low key and didn’t require a whole lot of time and effort. Don’t diss the kit! As long as you keep everything that’s post-boil clean and sanitary, and pitch the proper amount of yeast while maintaining proper fermentation temperatures, you should be good to go and on your way to making a great kit beer or wine.

We conclude the show with a dive into the 4B mailbag, as well as another round of Going In Blind, hosted this time by John Holzer himself. Click on the blurred photo above to see the blind beers if you can’t handle the mystery and suspense…


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