Season 4, Episode 33 – This week, we’re drinking some really awesome canned IPA…
Exciting times! I gotta say, this trend of canning everything is pretty awesome. This week, yet another show of wonderful canned IPA. Exciting times, indeed!

IPA is hands down, the most fun of all the beer styles. It can be interpreted in many different ways according to personal preference, desire to experiment, or just plain wackiness. The beers on the show this week run the gambit from traditional, to not-so traditional, to…milkshake IPA. We’re living in exciting times, people. Exciting times, indeed…
Shout out to our good friend Joe Senigaglia from Jow’s Arcade on YouTube for hooking us up with the haze, and a huge thanks to Crysten Hamilton and the lovely folks at Hamilton Family Brewery for the milkshakes. 😉
Beers from this week’s episode:
Hamilton Family Brewery – Raspberry Milkshake
Wicks Brewing Company – N.E.R.D V1
Wicks Brewing Company – Best Coast IPA
Midnight Jack Brewing Company – Makeout Point V.2 Canned
Midnight Jack Brewing Company – All Eyes On Me
Trillium Brewing Company – Dial Up The Seven Digits
Tree House Brewing Company – Sap
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